Department of Chemistry



Assistant Professor Position - Lafayette College

LAFAYETTE COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY - ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITION. A full-time, tenure track assistant professor position is available in July 2017 for an individual who will teach general chemistry and courses in their area of chemical subspecialty, and will complement the teaching and research expertise of the department’s faculty. Successful candidates will be expected to develop an active research program involving undergraduate students, and will contribute to teaching general chemistry and to the development and teaching of courses in the Lafayette Common Course of Study. A Ph.D. degree is required, and postdoctoral and teaching experience is preferred.  Additional information about the position and the Department of Chemistry is at Please upload applications at Applicants should include a curriculum vitae, statement of teaching expertise and philosophy (1-2 page), a brief (3-4 page) summary of a proposed research program, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be submitted by the evaluators by October 1, 2016. Please address how your scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and/or community service might support Lafayette College's commitment to diversity and inclusion articulated in the College's diversity statement ( Lafayette College is committed to creating a diverse community, one that is inclusive and responsive, and is supportive of each and all of its faculty, students, and staff. All members of the College community share a responsibility for creating, maintaining, and developing a learning environment in which difference is valued, equity is sought, and inclusiveness is practiced. Lafayette College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.



H. David Husic

Larkin Professor and Head of Chemistry

Lafayette College

Easton, PA 18042   610-330-5222