Department of Chemistry



Materials Science Tenure-Track - California State University, San Bernardino


The Department of Chemistry at California State University, San Bernardino invites applications from a diverse group of qualified applicants for a tenure track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin August 2020.  

 Complete job descriptions, materials to submit, and directions for applying are below. 

Materials Science/Chemistry position, candidates are expected to provide stimulating, innovative, and equity-based teaching focused on student success in lower and upper division undergraduate courses in chemistry, and to help develop a new interdisciplinary MS program in Materials Science.  In addition, the successful candidate will establish and sustain an externally funded, independent research agenda in materials chemistry; opportunities exist for collaboration with existing faculty in the Departments of Chemistry and Physics through the Center for Advanced Functional Materials; the Center has recently been awarded 5 million from NSF-CREST (Feb 2020-Jan 2025). Application review begins October 14, 2019. 

2020 – AP266 - Chemistry/Materials Science - Assistant Professor Tenure Track -