Department of Chemistry



Open Position at NETL

Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) this posting seeks motivated BS or MS students interested in joining an interdisciplinary team developing new sensor technology for a range of energy applications spanning power generation, advanced manufacturing, and infrastructure monitoring. at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).  NETL is a multi-disciplinary, scientific and technical-oriented national laboratory.  NETL’s Research & Innovation Center (RIC) conducts research to evaluate environmental impacts and risk assessments associated with domestic energy resource development. 

The objective of the research is to synthesize and test various chemical sensing materials to be used in field applications such as monitoring of CO2 in geological formations and corrosion monitoring.

Technical reports, data analysis, presentation in regular meetings, and co-author in publications in high quality scientific peer-reviewed journals are all expected outcomes of the research to be performed. Hands-on experience in chemistry lab settings is a plus.

Click on link below for full job posting