Department of Chemistry



Tenure/Tenure Track - Ashland University

The Department of Chemistry at Ashland University ( invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Chemistry position in an ACS-approved program beginning August 2017; Ph.D. required.

The preferred area of specialization is inorganic chemistry. The department offers majors in chemistry, biochemistry, and forensic chemistry, as well as science education and an interdisciplinary environmental science program. The teaching load is twelve hours per semester and will include courses for non-majors, first-year general chemistry, as well as upper-level teaching in area(s) of specialty. Development of an undergraduate research program is expected, and contribution to the area of science education is desired.

Submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, teaching philosophy, research plans, and unofficial transcripts to the search committee ( Three confidential letters of reference should be sent directly to the search committee. Review of applications will begin January 10 and will continue until the position is filled.

Ashland University meets fully its obligation of nondiscrimination under federal and state laws and is actively committed to diversity in its workplace. Employment will require a criminal background check.



Jeffrey Weidenhamer, Ph.D.

Trustees' Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

Dept. of Chemistry, Geology & Physics | 419 Kettering Science Center

(w) 419.289.5281